Moved to a new hosting setup

So I decided to make things easier for myself and migrate this blog from running on bare metal to a virtual machine as well as making a backup. We’re still self-hosted, but now on a Hyper-V instance. The original hardware will be re-purposed for something else eventually since I’m not sure what I’m going to do with it yet. Until then it’ll still sit in it’s corner, out of the way like a good girl.

Migrating wasn’t as hard as I thought or how every guide made it seem. I just had to copy over some directories from the old machine to the VM instance. I’m sure you’re “not supposed” to do it this way, but oh well. All I have left is migrating my backups but to be honest, I’m not even going to do that. It’ll just be easier to just make a new VM and configure it.

New shop and a life update

So I’ve been busy folks. So there’s a lot to catch up on. Been trying to find work, get my life to how it was pre-covid. Trying to save up again for the big move. Been trying to get into the iPod and Zune buy/sell/repair business. I also got a couple more things in the works. One of which is a CafePress shop. There’s a few things up now and hopefully more during the next coming days and weeks. The link is here and if you see something you like do buy it. It will really help me out.